Program(s) Available: B.S.Ed.
Are you someone who likes to help children develop and learn? Are you interested in being an effective communicator in different languages? If so, a major in Spanish education may be right for you.
Spanish education majors explore life and culture through the lens of the Spanish language. Faculty focus on literary research and cultural studies, ensuring students are proficient in speaking and writing in Spanish. Unlike the Spanish major, the Spanish education major focuses on teaching methods and professional education requirements.
Students will learn about: film, language education, teaching, pluralism, multiculturalism, international relations, politics and language policy. A minor is required for this major.
Department of Language, Literature and Writing
“Every professor I’ve had, every student that I worked with, they gave me something that I don’t think I could have gotten somewhere else. It just feels like home because it has everything I want and the encouragement that they gave me to study what I wanted. ”
Corbin Jones
Writing with an emphasis on creative writing and publishing; Spanish
We understand college is a big investment. Why not attend a school that is invested in you?